Apples native Notes back-up lost my notes when I upgraded (yes I backed-up before I upgraded), this one and only bad experience prompted me to look for better alternatives, namely something I could still find on my web browser (not the app), since I cant find my notes on Cloud. I have friends keeping losing their previous notes whenever they upgrade their iOS. It may have changed over time, but Im sorry, Apple have lost my confidence in their Notes app. Now its tucked together with other less-used app folder.
Works great for me. Evernote never worked for me since it takes too many steps for my purpose of taking quick notes/draft messages.
My husband found out Evernote (freebie version) wont even let you view your own notes without data connection! Errrr... Sorry, its either physical notebook or Simplenote for me.
Thank you Simplenote! ^_^
Sayafen about Simplenote, v4.4.3