All my work gone
This is the 4th time in the last couple of years that I have lost all of my note changes. The app is still unable to keep track of changes from more than one device. When it gets confused it reverts to an old version of your note.
Its unfortunate because the programming to keep track of changes is straight forward.
The good thing about this app is that it opens quickly and removes all formatting when cutting and pasting. But neither is worth losing hours of notes.
This app still has major sync issues. I did the work on one device. This morning I started working on the note on another device. New device had never synced and all of the changes from yesterday are lost.
Backups are kept but they are kept every few minutes and you are only allowed a few backups. All backups available to me are from the last 18 minutes, not helpful.
Also unfortunate, Simplenote puts a "Good Morning" notification on the bottom of my screen daily. There is no intuitive way to turn this off so far. Can you imagine if all 50 of my apps did this to me?
We call it cubris in the industry - Coder hubris. Coders that pat themselves on the back at the expense of users like this need to be weeded out.
Pw henderson about
Simplenote, v4.4.3